Family and Parenting Resources Resources

Expect a Miracle

Established to offer assistance to the single women and men that are working and trying to do well for their children, but are unable to provide the extracurricular activities that help a child build strong character for the society we live in.

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Girls Incorporated

A national nonprofit youth organization dedicated to inspiring all girls to be strong, smart, and bold. With roots dating to 1864, Girls Inc has provided vital educational programs to millions of American girls, particularly those in high-risk, underserved areas. Today, innovative programs help girls confront subtle societal messages about their value and potential, and prepare them to lead successful, independent, and fulfilling lives. 

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Family and Home Network

A national nonprofit organization founded in 1984, advocates for parents and children of all ages concerning their need to be emotionally engaged and to spend generous amounts of time together. FAHN publishes a monthly journal, Welcome Home, books and educational materials. Its work includes monitoring the media as well as advocating for public policies that recognize the critical importance of nurturing and increase the opportunities for parents to spend time with their children.

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Any Baby Can

Any Baby Can provides prenatal, parenting and child development education to at-risk families, therapies and support for children with significant developmental delays, and support for families caring for a child with special needs.

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The Natural Child Project

Our vision is a world in which all children are treated with dignity, respect, understanding, and compassion. In such a world, every child can grow into adulthood with a generous capacity for love and trust. Our society has no more urgent task.

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Once Upon a Family

Once Upon A Family focuses on the importance of family traditions, rituals, and celebrations in creating a sense of family togetherness.

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The Center for Non-violent Communication

Teaching parents how to be effective communicators without resorting to violence 

Visit Website is an independent online magazine bursting with political commentary and ribald tales from the front lines of motherhood.

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Resources for Infant Education

A non-profit organization that has developed a unique philosophy and methodology in working with infants. The RIE approach helps raise authentic infants who are: competent, confident, curious, attentive, exploring, cooperative, secure, peaceful, focused, self-initiating, resourceful, involved, cheerful, aware, interested and inner-directed.

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Parent Wisely

 An interactive parenting program that will help you prepare for the obstacle to come with parenting.

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Parent's Guide to First Aid

 An online guide on A Parent's Guide to First Aid

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Deal Spotters

Find the most accurate coupon database. Find the deal you want, when you want.

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Custody Exchnage

is industry-leading parenting plan and custody scheduling software. Try is free today.

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Swap Society

Swap the clothes you've fallen out of love with for clothes you want to wear now. Our points system makes sure you get equal value for the clothing you swap.

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JFS Orlando Community Services

 Community Services

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Guide for on line safety parental control

As a parent, your number one life priority is keeping your kids safe

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The Fully Connected Parent

Learn the secrets of raising happy, healthy, and flourishing children

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Journey Beyond Divorce: Your Strategic Guide Through Complex Divorce

 At Journey Beyond Divorce, our team of Certified Life Coaches specializes in Relationship and Divorce Coaching. We deeply understand the challenges of navigating complex, dysfunctional, and high-conflict divorces. Our passion is to support you, no matter where you are in the English-speaking world, with a compassionate and empowering approach.

We offer guidance through the tumultuous changes of divorce, transforming your struggles into stepping stones towards inner strength, clarity, and confidence. Our expertise extends to managing the intricate legal and long-term decisions that lie ahead.

Our support system includes personalized 1:1 coaching, comprehensive online programs, transformative group sessions, and skill-building mini-trainings. We also provide an abundance of free resources, including insightful blog posts and empowering podcast episodes.

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